The Diversity Charter Cyprus (DCC) is making great strides forward! DCC recently hosted an inspiring brunch and networking meet-up with the esteemed members and leading stakeholders in Environment – Society – Governance, Diversity – Equality-Inclusion, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
The ultimate goal is to create powerful synergies that will influence policy-making at the national and regional levels. DCC aims to incorporate the insights and experiences shared during the public roundtables with organizations working on diversity issues. Together, through the DIVERSEurope network, we will collaborate with like-minded organizations and businesses to achieve our common objectives.
A heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to all the DCC members and stakeholders who joined for the brunch and networking meet-up. Your active participation and support have been instrumental in driving positive change and advancing our mission.
The Diversity Charter Cyprus is proudly coordinated by the Center for Social Innovation – CSI. If your organization or business is interested in learning more about our initiatives and becoming a member to support our cause, please don’t hesitate to contact at
Let’s continue working hand in hand to build an inclusive and diverse society, where every voice is heard and valued. Together, we can create a better and more inclusive future for Cyprus!