We are ending our DIVERSEurope project with the 4th newsletter and the main insights from our closing event. In case you did not attend, please have a look at the closing remarks:
– 60% of Greek women refrain from seeking employment due to family commitments. 65 % reported receiving a salary lower than the value of their work, and one in two expressed pessimism about positive career prospects in their current job.
– Lithuania and other European Member States also still struggle to address unequal treatment in the workplace. Data indicates that women in Lithuania still bear a disproportionate burden of unpaid work at home and frequently organize their participation in the labor market based on their household responsibilities.
– Talent Acquisition Manager of Hellas Gold discussed male-dominated society, but stressed that it is important for companies to have structured policies and train their employees to establish a culture of diversity and inclusion. The speakers stressed that the good practice, collected by DIVERSEurope, was helpful in their work.